Who are we?
A free online poll platform with multi-language support. You can create without any restrictions, vote polls and watch poll results live.
We also made a detailed analysis page for your poll. From the analysis page of the polls, you can follow the distribution of votes by country and cities, view the daily chart of the vote distribution and see the records of the platforms visited.
What about technology?
We use a world wonder Django software web framework of Python.
Also we use javascript, bootstrap and css structure. Linux / Centos, Nginx, Redis, Socket technologies and many other big and small software architectures...
Except for legal situations, we do not share your personal information with anyone. We do not sell your private and confidential Poll statistics, cookie information held by our server to third parties, and we can promise you not to use this information even for advertising purposes.
You can be sure that we use all the security measures we know to ensure that your polls are not manipulated in certain ways. You can follow the changes we made on our site here.
What is this "Thanks"? Can you add me too?
We would love it. The people and organizations mentioned in the Acknowledgments section had great benefits for our site. We have created a thank you section for these great people for their design suggestions, translator, software support or inspiring ideas about our project.
We are always open to your thoughts and suggestions about our site and we attach great importance to them. You can use our contact form for suggestions and suggestions about our site or send an e-mail to hi@onlinepoll.me.
Do you have a language that is not on our site? If you want to contribute, please write to hi@onlinepoll.me.
Special Thanks
2-B Sınıf Öğrencileri - Inspire Support
Burak Özdemir - W3 Validator Master
Çağatay Aktaş - Mobile Application Developer
E. Serdar Güzel - Software Support
Emre Şenyuva - Javascript Support
Ersel Hekim - Javascript Support
Fatih Caferoğlu - Translation & Design Support
Gamze Cengiz - Design Support
Gökhan Sarıgül - SQL Support
Hızır Artar - Firewall Support
Ivan Shatsky - Nginx Support
Onur Bozkurt - Software Support
Tolga Cengiz - Nginx & Sql Optimization